One Person Corporation

The Revised Corporation Code 2019 of the Philippines or Republic Act No. 11232
Does a One Person Corporation (OPC) only need one individual to register?Read below to find out the requirements to register an OPC.

One Person Corporation
1. IncorporatorsA one person corporation (OPC) is a corporation with a single stockholder, who can only be a natural person, trust or estate.
The incorporator of an OPC being a natural person must of be of legal age.
2. Corporate NameThe suffix “OPC” should be indicated by the one person corporation either be-low or at the end of its corporate name.
3. Single Stockholder as Director and OfficerThe single stockholder shall be the sole director and president of the OPC.
4. Designation of Nominee and Alternate NomineeThe single stockholder is required to designate a nominee and an alternate nominee named in the Articles of Incorporation who shall replace the single stockholder in the event of the latter’s death and/or incapacity. The written consent of both the nominee and alternate nominee shall be attached to the application forincorporation.
5. Only Articles of Incorporation NeededThe OPC shall file its Articles of Incorporation (AI) in accordance with the requirements of Section 14 of the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines. The AI must set forth its primary purpose, principal office address, term of existence, names and details of the single stockholder, the nominee and alternate nominee and the authorized, subscribed and paid-up capital and such other matters consistent with law and which may be deemed necessary and convenient.
6. BylawsThe OPC is not required to submit and file its Bylaws.
7. Minimum Capital Stock Not RequiredThe OPC is not required to have a minimum authorized capital stock except as otherwise provided by special law.
Further, unless otherwise required by applicable laws or regulation, no portion of the authorized capital is required to be paid-up at the time of the incorporation.
8. OfficersWithin fifteen (15) days from the issuance of its Certificate of Incorporation, the OPC shall appoint a Treasurer, Corporate Secretary, and other officers, and notify the SEC thereof within five (5) days from appointment, using the Appointment Form as may be prescribed by the SEC.
The single stockholder shall not be appointed as Corporate Secretary but may assume the role of a Treasurer.
9. Bond Requirement for the Self-Appointed TreasurerThe single stockholder who assumes the position of the Treasurer shall post a surety bond to be computed based on the authorized capital stock (ACS) for the OPC as shown in the Table below:
ACS Surety Bond Coverage*1.00 to 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.001,000,001 to 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.002,000,001 to 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.003,000,001 to 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.004,000,001 to 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00P 5,000,001.00 and above = Amount of surety bond coverage shall be equal to the OPC’s ACS.* Subject to renewal every two (2) years or as may be required, upon review of the annual submission of the Audited Financial Statements/Financial Statements certified under oath by the company’s President and Treasurer.
** The bond is a continuing requirement for so long as the single stockholder is the self-appointed Treasurer of the OPC.
*** The bond may be cancelled upon proof of appointment of another person as the Treasurer and Filing of the Amended Form for the Appointment of Officers.
10. Change of Nominee or Alternate NomineeThe single stockholder may, at any time, change its nominee and alternate nominee by submitting to the Commission the names of the nominees and their corresponding written consent. The Articles of Incorporation need not be amended.
11. Incapacity or Death of the Single StockholderIn case the single stockholder becomes incapacitated, the nominee can take over the management of the OPC as director and president. At the end of the incapacity, the single stockholder can resume the management of the OPC.
In case of death or permanent incapacity of the single stockholder, the nominee will take over the management of the OPC until the legal heirs of the single stockholder have been lawfully determined and the heirs have agreed among themselves who will take the place of the deceased.
12. Who are Not Allowed to Form OPC’sBanks, non-bank financial institutions, quasi-banks, pre-need, trust, insur-ance, public and publicly companies, non-chartered government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) cannot incorporate as OPC.
A natural person who is licensed to exercise a profession may not organize as an OPC for the purpose of exercising such profession except as otherwise provided under special laws.
13. Foreign NationalA foreign natural person may put up an OPC, subject to the applicable capitalrequirement and constitutional and statutory restrictions on foreign participa-tion in certain invest areas or activities.
• Minimum required paid-in capital for a corporation with more than 40% foreign ownership catering to the Philippines domestic market USD200,000.00.
• Export Enterprises; minimum recommended paid-in capital PHP250,000.00.
• Export enterprises located in Philippine Economic Zone Authority approved IT Buildings are required to have a paid-in capital equivalent to 25% of the total project cost.
Required documents/information:Company NameNature of BusinessFilipino Director: Name and Address, 2 x Government IDs, Tax Identification Number (TIN).Foreign Director: Name and Address, copy of passportOffice AddressName and Address of Treasurer in TrustTAX IDEvery shareholder, director and officer of the company is required to obtain a Philippines Tax Identification Number (TIN). A Special Power of Attorney is required, authorizing Dayanan to file the TIN application.
All documents signed overseas must be authenticated by a Philippine Embassy/Consulate or with an apostille affixed thereto.

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