
Applying for a Philippine visa will require that the applicant’s passport be valid for six (6) months beyond the applicant’s date of departure from the Philippines. The Philippine Embassies/Consulates will only accept electronic passports and machine readable passports for visa applications. Non-machine readable passports or hand-scripted passports will not be accepted for visa applications. The Visa Officer has the right to ask for any additional documents that may be deemed necessary.
申请菲律宾签证要求,从申请人离开菲律宾之日起申请人护照有效期必须满六(6)个月以上。签证申请菲律宾使领馆只接受电子护照和机读护照。签证申请不接受非机读护照或手写护照。相关业务欢迎咨询 电报 @VBW777 微信 VBW333 由于业务咨询量比较多,为了节约您的宝贵时间,咨询请主动告知咨询业务和问题,菲律宾998华人顾问 是菲律宾MAKATI 实体注册公司,在菲律宾已经有超过18年服务经验,客户 隐私安全保护服务可靠,业务提交可以安排工作人员上门取件或前往我们办公室提交 。 欢迎注我们电报TG频道 https://t.me/flbym998  获取更多资讯案例分享。

Types of Philippine Visas 菲律宾签证类型

Non-Immigrant Visas 非移民签证

1. 9(a) Temporary Visitors Visa – for visitors coming for business, pleasure, medical treatment, training, attendance in conferences, meetings and workshops/seminars.


Minimum Requirements: 最低要求:

Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;

Duly Accomplished Visa application form;

Proof of bona fide status as tourist or businessman;

Confirmed tickets for return or onward journey to the next port of destination;

2. 9(b) Transient Visa – for visitors passing in transit to a destination outside the Philippines.

9(b) 过境签证 – 针对过境前往菲律宾之外的目的地的访客。

Minimum Requirements: 最低要求:

Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;

Duly Accomplished Visa application form;


Proof of bona fide status as tourist or businessman; and

Confirmed tickets for return or onward journey to the next port of destination;

3. 9(c) Seamen and Crew Members Visa – for crew members of a vessel arriving at a port of the Philippines from any country
9(c) 海员及船员签证 – 针对抵达某菲律宾港口的各国船只上的船员

Minimum Requirements: 最低要求:

Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;

Duly Accomplished Visa application form;

Duly Accomplished Crew List Visa form;

Letter from shipping company;

4. 9(d) International Treaty Traders and Treaty Investors Visa – for visitors entering the Philippines solely to carry on trade or commerce between the Philippines and the country to which he/she is a national pursuant to existing treaties of commerce and navigation.
9(d) 国际条约贸易商和条约投资者签证 – 针对入境菲律宾仅从事菲律宾与其母国现有商业和航行条约规定的贸易或商业活动的访客

Minimum Requirements: 最低要求:

Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;

Duly Accomplished Visa application form;

Applicant must be a national of the country in which the Philippines has existing treaties of trade, commerce, and navigation;

5. 9(e) Foreign Government Officials Visa – for accredited officers of a foreign government recognized by the Philippines, who is a citizen of the country whose government he/she represents, and who is proceeding to the Philippines on official business for his/her government; and for officials of international non-governmental organizations.
9(e) 外国政府官员签证 – 针对菲律宾认可的、代表其母国政府前往菲律宾从事其政府委派官方事务的外国政府官员,以及国际非政府组织的官员

Minimum Requirements: 最低要求:

Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;

Duly Accomplished Visa application form; and

Note Verbale from their respective Ministries of Foreign Affairs

6. 9(f) Student Visa – for visitors eighteen years old and above who intend to study bachelor’s degree or higher at a university, seminary, academy, college or school.
9(f) 学生签证 – 打算在菲律宾大学、神学院、研究院、学院或学校本科学位或更高学历课程学习的访客

Minimum Requirements: 最低要求:

Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;

Duly Accomplished Visa application form;

Original copy of the school’s Notice of Acceptance (NOA);

Original copy of the Certificate of Eligibility for Admission (CEA) issued by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED);

Police Clearance;

Medical Health Certificate including standard-sized chest X-Ray; and

7. 9(g) Pre-Arranged Employees Visa – for visitors proceeding to the Philippines who will engage in any lawful occupation.
9(g) 预录用雇员签证—针对前往菲律宾从事任何合法职业的访客

Minimum Requirements: 最低要求:

Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines;

Duly Accomplished Visa application form;

Police Clearance;

Medical Health Certificate including standard-sized chest X-Ray;

Prior approval from DFA is required before the issuance of visa; and

8. 47(a)(2) Special Non-Immigrant Visa – for visitors proceeding to the Philippines under special laws
47(a)(2) 特殊非移民签证— 针对根据特别法律规定前往菲律宾的访客

Minimum Requirements: 最低要求:

Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended period of stay in the Philippines; and

Duly Accomplished Visa application form;

Immigrant Visas 移民签证

1. Quota Immigrant Visa – for foreign nationals who opt to reside permanently in the Philippines
限额移民签证 – 针对选择在菲律宾永久居留的外国公民

2. Non-Quota Immigrant Visas 非限额移民签证

A. 13(a) Visa – for wife or husband or unmarried minor children of Philippine Citizen.
13(a) Visa –针对菲律宾公民的妻子或丈夫或未婚未成年子女

B. 13(b) Visa – for child of foreign parents born during temporary visit abroad of permanent resident mother.
13(b) Visa – 针对拥有永久居留权的母亲在海外临时访问期间外国父母所生子女

C. 13(c) Visa – for child born subsequent to the issuance of immigrant visa to accompanying parent.
13(c) Visa – 针对随行父母获签移民签证后出生的子女

D. 13(e) Visa – for returning permanent resident foreigners
13(e) Visa – 针对归国的拥有永久居留权的外国人

E. 13(g) Visa – for returning natural-born Filipinos who were naturalized as citizens of foreign countries.
13(g) Visa – 针对归国的菲律宾出生但加入外国籍的菲律宾人

Minimum Requirements for Immigrant Visas: 移民签证最低要求:

Official birth certificate or baptismal certificate;

Police Clearance;

Medical examination report/chest X-Ray film;

Evidence of financial support;

Valid passport;

Documentary proofs of his/her former Philippine citizenship and his present foreign citizenship (for 13(g) visa applicants only); and

Such other secondary evidence of citizenship and admissibility into the Philippines as may be required.可能要求提供证明公民身份以及符合可入境菲律宾条件的其它辅助证据材料。

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